Is your organization, school, or district looking for a captivating, educational, and wildly inspirational speaker?

I am a Youth Motivational Speaker, a DEI Consultant, the host of my podcast Free to Be with Lucca, and an LGBTQIA2S+ Activist. My mission is to help people discover, accept, and express their authenticity so they can fully experience the freedom to be themselves, reach their highest potential, and make the impact they are meant to make.

I’m a storyteller with clear tools to share and the ability to create community, ignite confidence, and inspire action. Through powerful content and thought-provoking questions, I deliver transformational keynotes, workshops, and assemblies on authentic leadership, belonging, self-confidence, and mental health that will engage and empower your audience with a combination of motivation, education, and fun.

For nearly a decade, I’ve felt called to be the role model and safe space I desperately needed in my youth, growing up in a rural farm town in Central California feeling so different, lost, and lonely. This calling has led me to develop and lead thousands of middle school, high school, and college students, educators, and community leaders, helping them gain a greater sense of confidence in their identity, voice, story, and future.

A 30 to 60 minute address for 100 to 5,000 individuals. Keynotes may involve self-reflection, journaling, movement, partner work, and/or group sharing.

Professional & Leadership Development Workshops
A 45 minute to 4 hour professional development workshop for a group of 10 to 200 individuals. Workshops will involve self-reflection journaling, partner work, group sharing, and movement. There will be many hands-on experiences. Workshop series over a month, semester, or year are available, too.

A 30 minute to 90 minute immersive event for 100 to 3,000 students to help unify your student body and create a culture where students feel a deep sense of belonging. This involves self-reflection, journaling, partner work, movement, experiential learning activities in small groups, and group sharing.

I’ve facilitated talks and workshops throughout the US for organizations, universities, and schools including:

  • Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)

  • California Association Directors of Activities (CADA)

  • California Association of Student Leaders (CASL)

  • Edison Computech Middle School

  • Fresno City College

  • Fresno Pride

  • Fresno State

  • Fresno Unified School District

  • lululemon

  • Liberty High School

  • Lightyear Leadership

  • Madera South High School

  • Moreno Valley Unified School District

  • National Association for Student Activities (NA4SA)

  • National Association of Student Councils (NASC)

  • National Honor Society

  • Oregon Association of Student Councils (OASC)

  • PFLAG National

  • Plus Me Project

  • San Diego County Office of Education

  • Santa Monica High School

  • Tampa Pride

  • University of California, Merced

  • Valley View High School

Signature Topics

  1. Lead Yourself & Others with Confidence by Owning Your Authenticity

  2. Build Trust & Unity Through Curious Listening, Empowered Communication & Authentic Affirmation

  3. What Is Meant For You Won’t Pass You By: Remain Resilient Through Rejection & Failure

  4. Lead Impactful & Lasting Change by Releasing Limiting Beliefs, Honoring Authenticity & Choosing Love

  5. Create True Spaces of Belonging for the LGBTQIA+ Community

See me in action!

Hear my story!

Do you want to create a deeper sense of belonging and connectedness amongst your student body?

Do you need support in boosting your students’ sense of self-worth and confidence in their authentic leadership, identity, voice, and future?

I’d love to connect with you, learn about your campus culture, and share more details about my signature assembly!

What clients are saying


Lucca engages the audience with his storytelling, passion and empathy for others. His enthusiasm and ability to radiate a deep level of sincerity truly moves others.

One of Lucca's strongest traits is his authenticity. At our leadership development summer retreat, he led a keynote speech that left every student a changed individual because it was so honest and relatable. The motivational and meaningful words he shared and his ability to navigate his message to connect with the audience’s circumstances is extraordinary. 

In his moments on the microphone, there was silence, engaged eyes and his words were easily digestible. No matter the size or age of an audience, Lucca easily senses the energy in the room and sparks that human connection by painting a picture of what we as humans all want — feeling unconditional love, achieving dreams and knowing that we truly matter. He is a dynamic speaker. His stories and messages stick to a listener's mind, but best of all they provide the audience with this new wave of energy, light and possibility.

Julie Larrivee — Educator & Former Activities Director at Madera South & Clovis West High School


Students responded very positively to Lucca's talk! Student feedback showed an increase of prioritizing happiness and self-worth and embracing their unique identity. In addition, students shared they got to reflect more on themselves because of the safe space he created. His talk was one of our most well-received events of the year.

Lucca brings in energy and professionalism to a talk that I haven’t seen often from other speakers. He does not just speak to the themes of the event, he brings in a depth that elevates a person's own personal development. He spends thoughtful time understanding who his audience is, what they need and what their mentors and advisors want the students to walk away with from the experience. To engage staff and students alike is not an easy feat, but Lucca did so entertainingly, and with humility.

Alexandra Chaves — Assistant Coordinator, Fresno State Academic Success Coaching & Former Program Coordinator at UC Merced

Our students struggle with recognizing their own agency and stepping into their power, and Lucca provided them with tools and practices to help them overcome self-doubt and build their confidence. 

Students shared that Lucca’s keynote address was their favorite during our annual LIFT Conference. It provided them with concrete ways to dive deeper into knowing what they want in life, what they value and what fulfills them. He created space for them to gain clarity of their authenticity and understand who they truly are at their core — something that is essential in being able to recognize self-agency and increase their sense of self-confidence.

Mellissa Jessen-Hiser — Director, Central Valley College Corps at Fresno State